Social Prescriber
Addressing needs in a holistic way. Connecting to community groups and agencies for practical and emotional support.
Social prescribing enables all primary care staff and local agencies to refer people to a link worker. Our Social Prescriber, or Social Prescribing Link Worker, Terri, can give you the time to focus on what matters to you through shared decision-making or personalised care and support planning. She can connect you to community groups and agencies for practical and emotional support.
What is Social Prescribing?
Why do we have ‘social prescribing’?
Our health is affected by more than just physical harm to the body. Factors such as stress, unemployment, debt, loneliness, lack of education and support in early childhood, insecure housing and discrimination can affect 30-55% of our health outcomes. This is why the concept of ‘social prescribing’ has been introduced by the NHS to provide an integrated and holistic approach to healthcare.
In the UK, one in five GP appointments is related to wider social needs rather than medical issues. Social prescribers work together with GP practices to ensure that the broader needs of patients are addressed. They connect patients to groups, activities and services in their communities to meet their social, emotional and practical needs that affect their health and wellbeing. They are the bridge between your GP and all the non-healthcare services available in your community.
What can the Social Prescriber do for me?
Social prescribing is an all-age, whole population approach that concentrates on health-impacting matters that are not best solved by medical intervention as they relate to wider social issues. Your needs can be met, for example, by linking you to nature and green spaces, which can reduce stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression, and boost immune systems, encourage physical activity and may reduce the risk of chronic disease. Alternatively, you could be connected to arts and culture, advise and support services, and work and volunteering.
It works particularly well for people who:
- Have one or more long-term conditions.
- Need support with low level mental health issues.
- Are lonely or isolated.
- Have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
- Have financial instability or are struggling with the cost of living crisis.
- Are caring for others.
Can you provide an example?
A person attended their GP because they were depressed and taking medication for this. This person had recently lost their job and had a great deal of debt. They were referred to the Social Prescriber, who made an appointment with the Citizen’s Advice money team. They were able to help her re-apply for Universal Credit, arranged a food parcel and agreed an action plan for creditors. An Energy Adviser was also able to help her to minimise her energy costs. This person has said they have started to feel much better and that they are no longer taking any medication.
How do I get an appointment with the Social Prescriber?
Any member of your GP practice team may suggest a referral to our Social Prescriber. She will then have an appointment with you to discuss your situation, assess your needs and advise you of support available in your community. You can talk to her about any non-medical issue including debt, loneliness, education, discrimination etc. and she will be able to link you to the right services to support you. Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself.