Clinical Pharmacist

Resolving day-to-day medicine issues. Consulting and treating patients directly.

Wandle PCN currently has 6 Clinical Pharmacists working with our 5 GP practice teams to improve the value and outcomes from medicines. They consult and treat patients directly, providing extra help to manage long-term conditions and advice for those on multiple medicines. Their role is pivotal in improving the quality of care and ensuring patient safety.

Q&A with our Clinical Pharmacist, Poonam

When will I see a Clinical Pharmacist?

You will see a Clinical Pharmacist when you need expert advice about your medicines. If your condition needs diagnosing, you will usually see a GP first, who may refer you on to a Clinical Pharmacist. Some members of our team of Clinical Pharmacists can, however, also diagnose and prescribe for minor illnesses.

What can a Clinical Pharmacist help with?

Long-term conditions

If you have a long-term condition such as asthma, type 2 diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure, the Clinical Pharmacist can discuss the medicines you are taking to make sure they are working for you. They can also help you with lifestyle changes to help you manage your condition.

Experiencing side effects

If you are experiencing side effects from your medicines, you can discuss these with the Clinical Pharmacist and work together to find a solution, such as changing your medicine or the dosage. If you are taking a number of different medicines, the Clinical Pharmacist can help make sure they are working well together.

Medicine reviews

If you are taking medicines long-term, you should be seen for a review at least once a year. You may be invited for a Structured Medication Review (SMR), a comprehensive review of your medicines, taking into consideration all aspects of your health. In an SMR, you will work together with the Clinical Pharmacist as equal partners to understand the balance between the risks and benefits of – and alternatives of – taking medicines. The shared decision-making conversation is led by your individual needs, preferences and circumstances. Health-checks, such as taking your blood pressure and arranging for blood and other tests, are also part of this process.

After a hospital stay

If your medicines have changed while you were in hospital, the Clinical Pharmacist can help explain these changes and ensure you get the maximum benefit from these medicines.

Common illnesses

If you are suffering from a common illness such as a cold, hay fever, diarrhoea or an eye infection, you may see the Clinical Pharmacist instead of your GP. The Clinical Pharmacist may be able to prescribe medicines to treat your condition. You will always be referred to a GP if there is need.


Clinical Pharmacists


GP practices